If your firm is new, you may not be thinking about taking out a loan just yet, but it may be necessary in the future. How To Build Business Credit FAST Without Personal Guarantee: https://bit.ly/3dfj9u8
Finding ways to secure business capital and credit is a common desire for both new and established small business entrepreneurs.
From beginning fees to new expansion strategies, establishing a good company credit profile with several accounts early on will help make your current and future business plans a success.
If you follow these simple steps, you’ll have excellent business capital at your disposal in no time. They’re both free and easy to complete.
Step #1: Get your business registered with your state. We strongly recommend you form a legal entity such as an LLC, S. Corp or C. Corp.
Step #2: Register for your Business EIN number from the IRS.gov website
Step #3: Get your business Address. Try getting an office space, virtual office or an home office as a last resort.
Step #4: Get your business phone number. A land line is preferred, 1800 number or dedicated business cell number is also recommended.
Step #5: Open your business bank account at any reputable bank or credit union.
Step #6: Start building public record by creating a Website, Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest accounts and list your business at listyourself.net.
Step #7: Get a FREE Dun & Bradstreet number.
Step #8: Get 5 Net-30 suppliers Trade accounts. Here are a few to consider, Pitney Bowes, VistaPrint, Grainger, Uline, Quill, Monopolize Your Marketplace, Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card and Strategic Network Solutions.
Step #9: Get 5 vender credit accounts. Most commonly Dell, Apple, Office Max, Home Depot and Lowes.
After following these steps monitor your account on Nav.com for FREE and watch your score rises.
When your score reaches 80 or more you can now apply for any business credit card or lines of credit.
Follow these simple steps an you will be on your way to acquiring the business funding you need to grow a successful business.
How To Build Business Credit FAST Without Personal Guarantee: https://bit.ly/3dfj9u8